T - 01889 623728
A - Unit 6, Bridge Street Industrial Estate, Trinity Road, Uttoxeter, ST14 8SP
Certificate of Higher Education (Cert HE) Sport, Fitness & Coaching
Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CCFT | CF-L3)
British Weightlifting Level 3 Coach
British Weightlifting Educator
ATG Level 2 Coach
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Sports Nutritionist (Pn1)
CrossFit Weightlifting, Gymnastics, Strongman, Masters, Rowing, Aerobic Capacity, Dumbbells, Running, Scaling, Programming, Powerlifting, Sport Specific, Mobility, Anatomy course qualified.
Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS)
Level 3 Emergency Paediatric First Aid
Diabetes Management Level 2
CIMSPA Registered: C017006
Clients worked with:
Although I enjoy extreme tests of body and mind, the clients with which I work cover a diverse range. I have in-person and online clients with whom I work individually, delivering a range of services from programming and coaching, to nutrition support and education. I have people aged between their teens, and their 70s, and everywhere in between. Some have lofty athletic goals - such as Commonwealth Games qualification - whereas others are just looking to retain physical independence. I also coach groups, both in commercial CrossFit® classes, and on behalf of the British Army, in line with their Army Physical Training System (APTS).
Personal Achievements:
Guinness World Record:
Greatest distance covered carrying 40lb in 24 hours - 114km (since broken - 2022)
Mountain Murph:
The British 3 Peaks (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, Snowdon) wearing a 20lb weight vest, performing 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 squats atop each mountain.
Multiple single day, multi-day and relay ultra-marathon finishes, including Trailwalker 100km ‘23
Obstacle Course Races:
Multiple short, medium and ultra-distance events completed
English and British Champion (M35, 89kg) 2022
Coached at European and World Masters Championships 2023
Great North Swim:
10km Open Water Swim (Swimming Marathon), Lake Windermere, 2023
Roles and appointments:
Coach - CrossFit Napalm 2022-Present
Head Coach - GT Fitness 2016-2022
Coach - Central Staffs CrossFit 2014-2016
Head Coach Senior Team, British Army Weightlifting - 2019-Present
Unit Physical Training Instructor BUOTC - 2018-Present
Future Plans:
A multi-discipline crossing of the UK June ‘24
About me:
I served for 13 years in the Regular Army, and have now completed 8 with the Army Reserve, for a total of 21 years of service. I have deployed operationally to Iraq twice, and Afghanistan, and have worked in a number of training roles with recruits, potential officers, regular soldiers, and those seeking promotion.
I first found CrossFit in 2011 as a grossly overweight, heavy smoking junk-food lover and, after using it to transform my own health, have spent my time since trying to help as many people as possible with the methodology, and all of the things that I have found stem from it. This is predominantly achieved through coaching individuals and groups, however also includes seminars for both athletes and other coaches, and taking on my own challenges in an attempt to demonstrate what is possible.