Today I got back to intensity for the first time in what seems like forever. It's probably the first time I've really hit intensity since I tweaked my back almost 2 weeks ago. For that reason alone, it was a great day. I trained on the 6pm class at CrossFit Napalm.
3 Position Clean:
Find max - 110kg. This was enough for today. Ideally I'd aim for 115-120kg, but I need to ease back into the heavier weights and build confidence again.
8 Min EMOM:
1 Clean at 110kg - this should have been 16xEvery 30 seconds, but that would have compromised my form.
4 Min EMOM:
3 Clean Pulls at 110kg - these should have been at 130kg, but this did the job for today.
4 Rounds for Reps:
In a 3 Minute Window:
15 Cal Ski
12 Hang Power Cleans 42.5kg
9 Thrusters 42.5kg
Max Burpees Over Bar.
Rest 1 Min Between Rounds.
I got 70 Burpees total
This wiped me out. By the third round, I was hanging on for dear life. In spite of that, it was just what I needed, and I feel great for having done it. It was also an insight into how much capacity I have lost in just two weeks when it comes to these shorter, higher power output efforts.
At 7:00am I had 3 rashers of bacon, 2 fried eggs and some blueberries.
At 1pm I had a 2 rashers of bacon, 2 sausages, some beans, balck pudding, toast, mushrooms and 2 fried eggs.
At 8pm I had a large sirloin steak, a jacket sweet potato with cheese, and some halloumi. I followed this with berries, Greek yoghurt and honey.
I felt pretty good all day today. 2 big walks yesterday definitely helped. My energy levels were back and, for me a big giveaway, my focus was back. This is always a good sign I'm firing and ready to go. Fitness will quickly come back, and no doubt there's still a little neural fatigue lingering within. I'm excited to get a couple of weeks away with the army, starting Wednesday, and get my training dialled back in.