Today was a pretty light training day, both in terms of the volume of training done, but also in terms of the loads and intensities present in the session. I lifted at 5:30pm, and the session was conducted at a relaxed pace.
Slow Pull Snatch + Hang Snatch
6 sets at 75kg
5x3 1st set at 90kg, 4 sets at 95kg
Hang Snatch Pull
5x3 90kg
Back on those Bulldog Gear competition plates today. I really do love lifting with them! Click the image to get your own, and use TH5 to save some cash too!
Another very straightforward day with regards eating. I at breakfast at around 8:20am which was 2 rashers of bacon, 2 fried eggs, some smoked salmon and a handful of mixed grapes and berries.
At 1pm I had mince with cheese.
At 8pm I had a sirloin steak topped with garlic butter and a large jacket sweet potato with butter and cheese, all followed by mixed berries, grapes and yoghurt, with a tablespoon of honey.